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AIA Orange County Lunchtime Webinar Transformation of Steel: A Primer in Sustainability

AIA Orange County Lunchtime Webinar 

Transformation of Steel: A Primer in Sustainability

Presented By

Course Description:

For today's design leaders, choosing the right structural system doesn't just include efficiency and cost, but also must consider an understanding and analysis of sustainability goals. We'll focus today on how modern domestic steel is produced, what makes it the most sustainable structural material, the supply chain and steel availability, EPDs and sustainability commitments, and how design choices (such as lateral systems, cambering, composite design, and fire protection) can help reduce environmental impacts. We'll also leave you with information on tools, ranging from mill-specific EPDs to design aids on hybrid design, that you can use to help you with design decisions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the domestically produced structural steel supply chain and how it is different from other steel production around the world.

  • Explore the cradle-to-cradle life cycle of steel as a basis for understanding structural steel's sustainable qualities as a primer for further development of your firm's practices.

  • See how the structural steel industry's long-term transparency has let to highly developed EPDs and mill-specific EPDs.

  • Identify AISC-provided resources to advance your design through sustainable practices.

Date:                      March 5, 2024   

Webinar Time:                12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (Webinar link will be sent to registrants on March 4th.)

Learning Units:     1 AIA HSW

Cost: Free for AIAOC Members, $10 for non-members.

Presenter: Hannah Valentine, PE

Hannah is the AISC Structural Steel Specialist for the greater Los Angeles region. She works with architects, engineers, and general contractors to identify ways domestically produced and fabricated steel can generate optimal building design solutions. She brings to AISC her previous design experience as a structural engineer working on large-scale steel projects in the sports, commercial, and education sectors.

Hannah is an active member of the Southern California design community. She volunteers for organizations such as SEAoSC WiSE, AIA LA and OC, and the Carbon Leadership Forum to foster a more equitable and sustainable future in the built environment professions. She received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Pennsylvania State University.

February 27

The AIA Orange County EDI Committee Presents: Equity in Technology Design 

March 8

The AIAOC Sustainability Committee Presents: A Tour of the Environmental Nature Center and Environmental Nature Center Preschool