Interested in becoming a member at AIAOC?
Membership in the AIA is an investment in your future that extends your network to fellow professionals at the national, state and local levels. Once you determine your eligibility in the appropriate membership category below, you can become an AIA member by joining online at the National AIA website and by noting Orange County as your local chapter' or by filling out the forms linked to the Membership Types below.
If you have any questions, please contact Marilee Edgar, Director of Member Services at
Since 1857, the AIA has represented the professional interests of America’s architects. As AIA members, more than 96,000 licensed architects and design professionals express their commitment to excellence in design and livability in our nation’s buildings and communities. Members adhere to a code of ethics and professional conduct that assures the client, the public, and dedication to the highest standards in professional practice.
Architect Member (AIA)
The AIA Orange County is pleased to learn of your interest in joining this professional society. AIAOC believes the programs scheduled will be of substantial benefit and interest to you in your profession.
You are eligible for AIA Membership if you are licensed to practice architecture in any state of the United States. If you are licensed in a foreign country, you are eligible for International Associate Membership.
Architect members may use, in connection with their practice and work, the initials AIA after their names and the titles Architect Member of The American Institute of Architects, and Member of the [assigned chapter of state organization] of The American Institute of Architects. Architect members may also hold the titles Fellow and/or Emeritus.
Every Architect member may:
- Serve as voting member on Section, Chapter and State boards
- Speak and vote in section, Chapter, State and Regional meetings on business matters in elections on all issues
- Be appointed as a member of committees at all levels of the AIA
- Serve as chapter delegate to State, Regional, and National AIA conventions
- Participate in all Institute group insurance, retirement and other benefit programs
- Serve as a National officer, regional director to the National board, or chair a National committee.
Dues are based on a three-tiered structure: national AIA, the state, and your local component.
Dues are directly related to the costs of services components provide to their members. The national AIA bills for all three levels of membership: national, state and local. Member firms are also sometimes charged supplemental dues, but Associate Members are not affected by this separate dues structure. National will maintain a membership database for all chapters.
Associate Member (ASSOC. AIA)
The AIA Orange County is pleased to learn of your interest in joining this professional society. AIAOC believes the programs scheduled will be of substantial benefit and interest to you in your profession.
ELIGIBILITY You are eligible for Associate AIA Membership if you do not have an architectural license and are:
- Participating in career responsibilities recognized by licensing authorities as constituting credit toward licensure: or
- Employed under the supervision of an architect in a professional or technical capacity directly related to the practice of architecture; or
- Holder of a professional degree in architecture;
- Faculty member in a university program in architecture actively involved in research, administration, or the teaching or architecture;
- Holder of an architectural license or the equivalent from a non-U.S. licensing authority who demonstrates honorable standing in the profession in the locale in which he or she is licensed. Such persons may reside within or outside the U.S. (International Associate).
Can I use AIA after my name? Associate Members may use the title Associate AIA, or abbreviated, Assoc. AIA. The privilege to use only the initials AIA after your name is reserved for professional (licensed architects) Members and Members Emeritus only. The laws of the state of California prohibit a non-licensed individual from using the term “architect” to describe themselves.
What are my voting rights? Associate Members have full voting rights in all open elections, as provided for in the national AIA Bylaws (and applicable at all levels of organization), with two restrictions. Associates cannot vote on member dues, and they cannot constitute more than 1/3 of all votes in any election. This “1/3 rule” is strictly enforced at the annual national AIA convention, where no more than 1/3 of a chapter’s delegate votes may be cast by Associate Members.
Can I hold elected positions? The answer to this question varies depending on the elected position. Some chapters allow Associate Members to hold any elected position, but most provide separate positions for Associate Members on their Boards. Associate members in good standing are eligible to serve on the AIAOC Board of Directors. Associate Members may serve as Directors on the AIACC Board, and have voting rights, consistent with AIA Bylaws. They may also be AIACC Officers.
Can I serve on a committee? Associate Members may participate on all local committees, and may also be the chair of the committee subject to local restrictions. Associate members may also serve on many of the committees at National. AIA Regional Directors or the Associate Liaison to Membership Commission may nominate individuals for these positions. AIACC (specifically the President) may appoint Associate Members to its committees.
Recent graduates can join AIA at a reduced rate to all who will graduate with a degree in Architecture. The National and State components offer complimentary membership to graduates of accredited schools of Architecture for the year in which you graduated. In order to participate, you must pay current and local dues, provide a copy of your diploma along with the graduate application, and meet the following criteria: Participate in career responsibilities recognized by licensing authorities as constituting credit toward licensure (intern) Work in a professional capacity under the supervision of an architect Hold a professional degree in architecture
The answer to this question varies from chapter to chapter. Dues are based on a three-tiered structure: National AIA, the State, and Local component.
Dues are directly related to the costs of services components provide to their members. The national AIA bills for all three levels of membership: national, state and local. Member firms are also sometimes charged supplemental dues, but Associate Members are not affected by this separate dues structure. National will maintain a membership database for all chapters.
Complete both sides of the application and return the original. Please be sure to sign and date the application. Licensed Architects are required to submit a copy of their current registration/license. A check payable to AIA (this covers your National, State, and Local AIA dues from now through December 31st) or MasterCard, VISA, or American Express billing information for the amount. Dues are pro-rated. See application for current amount due.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact: Marilee Edgar, Manager of Membership Services AIA Orange County medgar@aiaoc.org
International Associate Architect Member (Int'l Assoc. AIA)
The AIA Orange County is pleased to learn of your interest in joining this professional society. AIAOC believes the programs scheduled will be of substantial benefit and interest to you in your profession.
This level of membership is available to those who have an architectural license or the equivalent from a non-U.S. licensing authority and demonstrate honorable standing in the profession in the locale in which they are licensed. Such persons may reside within or outside the U.S. A copy of license or equivalent from a non-U.S. licensing authority must be submitted with the application for membership.
Can I use AIA after my name? International Associate Members may use the title International Associate AIA, or abbreviated, Int’l Assoc. AIA. The privilege to use only the initials AIA after your name is reserved for U.S. licensed architect Members and Members Emeritus only. The laws of the state of California prohibit a non-licensed individual from using the term “architect” to describe themselves.
What are my voting rights? International Associate Members have full voting rights in all open elections, as provided for in the national AIA Bylaws (and applicable at all levels of organization), with two restrictions. Associates cannot vote on member dues, and they cannot constitute more than 1/3 of all votes in any election.
Can I hold elected positions? The answer to this question varies depending on the elected position. Some chapters allow International Associate Members to hold any elected position, but most provide separate positions for International Associate Members on their Boards. International Associate members in good standing are eligible to serve on the AIAOC Board of Directors.
Can I serve on a committee? International Associate Members may participate on all local committees, and may also be the chair of the committee subject to local restrictions. International Associate members may also serve on many of the committees at National. AIA Regional Directors or the Associate Liaison to Membership Commission may nominate individuals for these positions. AIACC (specifically the President) may appoint International Associate Members to its committees.
The answer to this question varies from chapter to chapter. Dues are based on a three-tiered structure: National AIA, the State, and Local component.
Dues are directly related to the costs of services components provide to their members. The national AIA bills for all three levels of membership: national, state and local. Member firms are also sometimes charged supplemental dues, but Associate Members are not affected by this separate dues structure. National will maintain a membership database for all chapters.
Complete both sides of the application and return the original. Please be sure to sign and date the application.
Licensed Architects are required to submit a copy of their current registration/license.
A check payable to AIA (this covers your National, State, and Local AIA dues from now through December 31st) or MasterCard, VISA, or American Express billing information for the amount. Dues are pro-rated. See application for current amount due.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact: Marilee Edgar, Manager of Membership Services AIA Orange County medgar@aiaoc.org
Allied Individual Member
Individuals who do not hold a degree in architecture but share a special interest in the built environment as a professional colleague can join AIA Orange County as an Allied member. This category of membership is local and open to: engineers, contractors, designers, landscape architects, attorneys, artists, design and construction-related consultants, as well as product vendors, distributors and manufacturers.
Professional Allied members receive many of the basic benefits enjoyed by architect and associate members. This means you can share Chapter resources, programs, services, and activities. “Share” is the key word – Allied members learn from architects as much as they inform architects about their own disciplines, professions, products and concerns.
The Allied classification is intended specifically for professionals that work in industries related to architecture. It represents an opportunity to increase communication between professionals and helps promote the common objective of advancing the architectural profession.
- Allied members belong to the Local Chapter only.
- Allied members may serve on any Chapter committee that is not concerned with disciplinary matters or any duty of the Executive Committee and whose membership is not otherwise limited by the AIAOC and/or the Institute By-laws.
- An Allied member may not make motions, vote, serve as chairperson, or hold office on the board of directors/
- An Allied member may attend meetings or functions of the Chapter.
- AIAOC Update – electronic bulletin of events and programs produced by the Chapter and partner organizations
- Allied member’s name and company information on the Allied Member list located on the AIAOC Website.
- Keep members informed of any industry-wide changes in local building code revisions.
- Allied Member Services Search for professionals seeking referrals to AIAOC Allied members
- Monthly Chapter meetings providing networking opportunities
- Professional development seminars
- State, Regional and National Conventions
- Various community activities which help to raise the public’s awareness of the design professions
- News releases to local newspapers and periodicals
- Annual design competition for community college students All of these services are available to AIA Orange County Allied Members. In addition, your participation in Chapter meetings and activities help strengthen unity and communication among design professionals in all disciplines, thus increasing your network for referrals.
If you choose the online payment option please fill out the Membership Application and return to medgar@aiaoc.org **
Download AIAOC Allied Membership Application.
Emeritus Member
Licensed members who have been a member in good standing the AIA for 15 successive years and are either 70 years of age and fully retired from the profession, or so incapacitated as to be unable to work in the profession.
Download Associate Emeritus Form
Upgrade Your Membership
This is for those who have recently become a licensed architect and want to change their membership status from Assoc. AIA to AIA.
Download Associate to Architect Form
New Graduate
New Grads! Join AIA when you graduate and receive complimentary membership for up to 18 months. Click here for more details
Dues Installment Program
Members must enroll in the Dues Installment Program at the time in which they join, renew, or reinstate. During the online payment checkout process, an option will be available to select “Dues Installment Program” and you may enroll to pay your membership dues in up to six monthly installments depending on the day of enrollment.
Dues Adjustment FAQ
Click Here for Dues Adjustment FAQ
Dues Adjustment Form
Click Here for Dues Adjustment Form
Dues Adjustment Form - Exceptional Circumstances
Click Here for Dues And Adjustments - Exceptional Circumstances Form