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Webinar: The AIAOC Healthcare Committee Presents: Planning Strategies for The New City of Hope, Orange County Campus

In this webinar, attendees will learn about the strategies and considerations that have constituted building a new campus for City of Hope National Medical Center in Orange County. Other topics discussed will include: the planning needs and steps for a new facility location; the reasons why the decision to build a new campus was made; planned services and functions that will be taking place on the new campus; and future strategies City of Hope has to expand its service area and patient outreach in Orange County and beyond.

Learning Objectives: Attendees will ~

  • Understand the ways in which existing non-healthcare facilities can be repurposed to provide outpatient cancer treatment.

  • Understand the ways in which patient populations drive the need to plan and design new facilities.

  • Understand how the number of beds and support services for a new cancer hospital have been determined and why.

  • Understand the relationships between the new City of Hope campus in Orange County with other hospital systems in Orange County as well as with the existing facility in Duarte.

Date: November 9, 2021

Time: 5:00 PM 6:30 PM Pacific Time (The Webinar link will be sent out the day prior, and a reminder email will be sent the day of the presentation)

Learning Unit: 1.5 AIA LUs

Cost: AIAOC Members- Free, Non-Members: $20 (plus service fee)


November 8

ARE Study Groups

November 11

7th Annual Southern California Seminar: Risk Control for Architects, Engineers and Environmental Professionals at Terranea